Sri Lanka Logistics & Freight Forwarders Association launched an international class training academy on 18th November 2006. Fully endorsed and supported by its members and all sectors of trade and industry connected to international trade and transportation, it has been named as The Academy of International Trade and Transport (Pvt) Ltd (AITT).

The Academy of international Trade and Transport (Pvt) Ltd (AITT) is the training arm of the Sri Lanka Logistics & Freight Forwarders Association (SLFFA). It is a body endorsed by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA) and the Competency Based Training and Assessment Centre (CBTA) of International Air Transport Association (IATA). It is also a training institute approved by the Directorate of Merchant Shipping, Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Aviation.

AITT main objective is to bring-in professional knowledge through it’s training courses which are based on international curriculum supported by FIATA and UNESCAP, which will contribute to uplift the industry standards to international level in Sri Lanka and giving more opportunity to young people for developing a Logistics/Supply Chain Management career, in one of the most rapidly developing global industries, where supply chain solutions brings in a competitive edge in today’s global manufacturing and distribution sector.

Today, Globalization has been the most prominent factor driving the increase in the number of companies in the global market place. This necessitates a broader perspective than when operating as an international company, which may include, amongst others, attributes such global branding, global sourcing, global production, centralization of inventories and centralization of information. All of these aspects serve to emphasize the added difficulty of operating effectively in a global environment. Logistics and supply-chain networks have become far more complicated, and meeting the need to plan and manage logistics as a complete and integrated system has become far more difficult. Because of this, the best solution for a global company is very often to outsource its logistics operations.

Therefore, training and developing the knowledge and skills in our human resources, by adding another career opportunity to the job market, in the logistics & supply Chain Management field is a need of the hour and should receive national level priority from Government and Merchant sectors of the economy.

The Logistics and International Trade Programs conducted by AITT are designed to suit beginners as well as professionals in the industry who want to enhance their knowledge and advance in their careers.

Academy of International Trade and Transport (Pvt) Ltd (AITT)

C/O: Sri Lanka Logistics & Freight Forwarders Association
37D, Torrington Avenue, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka

For inquiries please contact,
Mr Chanaka - 0767256748
Ms Aruni Ishara - 0786071729

Ms Chamali Bhagya - 0768029667

Foundation Course on Multimodal Transport & Logistics

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Certificate Course in Logistic Services, Freight Forwarding & Multi Modal Transport

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FIATA International Diploma

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Dangerous Goods Regulation Initial Course

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Dangerous Goods Regulation Refresher Course

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